Luca Belli

DCPR: Best Practices on Due Process Safeguards regarding Online Platforms’ Implementation of the Right to an Effective Remedy

This document represents the collective output of the ad hoc working group of the Dynamic Coalition On Platform Responsibility (DCPR) on the implementation in the context of online platforms of the right to an effective remedy, enshrined inter alia in article 8 of the UN Declaration of Human Right, article 2.3 of the Inernational Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, and articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

The Need for a RIoT (Responsible Internet of Things): A Human Rights Perspective on IoT Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) is heralded by its propo-nents as a true propellant of the next industrial revolu-tion, able to generate considerable gains in efficiency and prompt growth “at an astronomical rate”. The concept of IoT is quite flexible and can be broadly defined as a network linking uniquely identified physical objects together with … Read more

Les enjeux de l’encadrement et de la gouvernance de l’ouverture des données publiques au Brésil

Cet article présente le cadre juridique de la gouvernance des données publiques et de la protection des données personnelles dans le cadre des villes intelligentes au Brésil. Il dresse le tableau des politiques brésiliennes d’ouverture des données, tout en en soulignant les défis et les risques. Il présente de manière critique les politiques d’ouverture des … Read more

La neutralità della Rete tra diritti fondamentali, Internet generativa e minitelizzazione

Quale è stato l’impatto di Internet sulle libertà e sui diritti umani? La rete è spesso descritta come un nuovo, grande spazio di libertà. Al contempo, però, le nuove tecnologie possono prestare il fianco a minacce inedite per i diritti degli individui e delle formazioni sociali. È allora fondamentale interrogarsi se davvero l’avvento della società … Read more