Luca Belli

End-to-End, Net Neutrality and Human Rights

The network neutrality (NN) debate focuses on the effects that Internet Traffi c Management (ITM) practices, implemented by network operators, may deploy on Internet users’ rights and, particularly, on their capability to freely seek, receive and impart information and ideas. Certain ITM techniques are indeed aimed at discriminating against specifi c content, applications and services … Read more

A Discourse Principle Approach to Net Neutrality Policymaking: A Model Framework and Its Application

The question of whether and how to protect the principle of network neutrality (“NN”) is currently one of the most hotly debated topics of Internet policy around the world. As the name may already suggest, NN is essentially a non-discrimination principle that applies to the transmission of Internet traffi c. It prescribes that, in principle, … Read more

Network Neutrality: An Empirical Approach to Legal Interoperability

The Internet is grounded on an open and interoperable architecture, giving rise to a quintessentially transnational environment. This global network of networks is, however, in natural tension with an international legal system based on mutually excluding legal frameworks, which have the potential to fragment the Internet, creating separated national intranets and conflicting cyberspaces. It seems … Read more

Protecting human rights through network neutrality: Furthering internet users’ interest, modernising human rights and safeguarding the open internet

This report was drafted with the goals to (i) provide deeper insight into how net(work) neutrality relates to human rights and (ii) suggest a policy and legal approach aimed at granting the full enjoyment of Internet users’ fundamental rights and freedoms through an open and neutral Internet environment, while simultaneously promoting unrestrained innovation and economic … Read more

Law of the Cloud v Law of the Land: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation

Cloud Computing enables the dynamic provision of resources on-demand over the Internet.  The key advantage for users is that data becomes accessible from anywhere and at any time. However, to the extent that they lose control over the infrastructure, users can no longer control the manner in which these resources can be accessed or used … Read more