Luca Belli

Selling your soul while negotiating the conditions: from notice and consent to data control by design

This article claims that the Notice and Consent (N&C) approach is not efficientto protect the privacy of personal data. On the contrary, if data where to be considered individuals’ soul,N&C could be seen as a license to freely exploit the individual’s personal data. For this reason, legislators and regulators around the world have been advocating … Read more

A heterostakeholder cooperation for sustainable internet policymaking

The article discusses the rise of a multistakeholder approach to internet policymaking and takes a critical stance with regard to the sole reliance on the multiplicity of stakeholders rather than focusing on the heterogeneity of stakeholders’ interests. The article analyses the evolution of the multistakeholder discourse from the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society to … Read more

Network Self-determination and the Positive Externalities of Community Networks

This paper argues that existing examples of Community Networks (CNs) provide a solid evidence-base on which a right to “network self-determination” can be constructed. Network selfdetermination should be seen as the right to freely associate in order to define, in a democratic fashion, the design, development and management of network infrastructure as a common good, … Read more

Law of the Land or Law of the Platform? Beware of the Privatisation of Regulation and Police

This chapter argues that digital platforms are increasingly undertaking regulatory and police functions, which are traditionally considered a matter of public law. The authors emphasise that such functions have been growingly delegated to platforms by public authorities, while at the same time platforms are self attributing such functions to avoid liability, de facto becoming private … Read more

Fostering Connectivity and Empowering People via Community Networks: the case of AlterMundi

Over four billion people are currently unconnected to the Internet, including around a billion individuals who do not have access to basic telephony services. The IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) promotes sustainable connectivity, fostering the role of the commons in networks and the elaboration of appropriate frameworks to empower communities and individuals through … Read more